How to Apply for Dominica Citizenship

How to Apply for Dominica Citizenship
Published on: 08 December 2020

Dominica might just be one of the Caribbean’s best-kept secrets. From its luscious green forests to its winding streams and towering ridges, this island is truly a sight to behold. In fact, the island itself is regarded as one of the most well-preserved spots in the world’s entirety, making it the perfect destination for responsible eco-tourists who crave their fix of outdoor adventure.

More people than ever are now considering obtaining a Dominica passport for themselves and their families through the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program, due to the many benefits that Dominica citizenship gives to holders, including the ability to immigrate to Dominica and enjoy the benefits of living in this beautiful country, as well as benefit from expanding freedom of travel and mobility for Dominica passport holders. If you are one of the people interested in this program, you’re probably wondering how to apply for Dominica citizenship.

As luck has it, it really isn’t that complicated of a process. The Dominica Citizenship by Investment program is a long-running, fast, and relatively affordable CBI scheme. That means that you can obtain Dominican citizenship just by making a significant investment in the country’s infrastructure.

Eligibility for Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program

Before you consider applying for the Dominica citizenship by donation program, you must check if you meet all the eligibility criteria.

Most important of all, any applicant must be at least 18 years old. People applying also must hold no criminal record.
In order to ensure that only trustworthy individuals are given a chance at applying for Dominica passport, the Dominican government does comprehensive due diligence or, in other words, a background check on each applicant.

Dominica takes its due diligence very seriously. Their intention is to protect the integrity of the citizenship program above all else. That’s why only individuals with absolutely no trace of a criminal record and legally obtained financial status are allowed to apply for citizenship.

Click here for more information and criteria on eligibility.

Requirements for Dominica Citizenship by Investment

For an applicant to become a citizen of Dominica, they need to fulfill all the program’s requirements. More specifically, they need to purchase an approved Dominica real estate on the island or make a financial contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund of Dominica.

If you decide to go with the real estate investment option, you need to find houses for sale in Dominica, buy one for at least $200.000, and maintain ownership over it for three years. After maintaining ownership for over five years, the buyer can re-sell the property under the same citizenship by investment program.

Dominica citizenship by investment program offers several authorized real estate projects which are currently under development. These real estate projects are all prestigious and luxury hotels that are environment friendly at the same time.

To qualify for the Dominica citizenship by donation program, you need to make a one-time non-refundable financial donation to the Economic Diversification Fund. You should know that these contributions are nowhere near what other citizenship by investment countries ask for a comparable passport in the region.

Click here to learn more about the official government fees for the Dominica Citizenship by Real Estate Investment Program.

Dominica Citizenship by Investment Process

It’s easier to explain the whole citizenship process by splitting it into four informative and easy to follow steps:

1. Select your Authorized Agent

For the first step, you must pick an agent of your choosing from the list of authorized agents. Essentially, agents are companies that have officially been granted a license by the Citizenship by Investment Unit of Dominica to act with authority on behalf of the applicant.

The Dominica Citizenship by Investment Unit or CBIU for short doesn’t accept any direct submissions and prefers that everything application-related gets sent to their authorized agents. Guide Consultants is an authorized agent listed under the Citizenship by Investment Unit to promote & provide full services for the Dominica Citizenship by Investment program.

2. Communicate with your Agent

After picking out your authorized agent, contact them immediately to discuss things further and prepare all required documentation as part of the application submission to CBIU.

Check the  Dominica Citizenship by Investment Required List 2021


Remember to submit all your paperwork in English, and make sure it’s legislated and notarized appropriately. If you are going to be purchasing Dominican real estate, the same information will be used for the sales and purchase agreement.

3. Due Diligence

What follows next is a thorough background check to verify the authenticity of the information you have provided. The CBIU will do its due diligence and then, based on the outcome, make a recommendation to the Government. After that, a letter sent by your authorized agent should arrive, updating you on your application’s status. Your application can either be successful or rejected. Sometimes it’s also delayed and awaiting further investigation.

4. Provide Proof of Payment

After the successful approval of your application, the CBIU will send you a letter explaining how to make your investment in detail, depending on which option you chose for the investment. Whether you decided to donate to the Economic Diversification Fund or bought Dominica real estate, they will need proof of the payment. After that, the CBIU officially issues you with a naturalization certificate, which serves as evidence of your citizenship, followed by obtaining Dominica’s passport within two weeks.

If you are interested in applying for Dominica Citizenship by Investment program, please don’t hesitate to call us for a free consultation. Guide Consultants is an authorized agent that can help and guide you through the entire process of attaining Dominica citizenship and passport.

You Can Read more about Dominica citizenship by investment programme or book a Free Consultation with Our Expert Advisors Today!

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